
Getting started

On this page, you can discover the various ways to make the most of your bubliq drink carbonator. Watch our instructional videos, read the step-by-step guide, or browse our FAQ. For a more in-depth understanding, you can also download the user manual. If you have any unanswered questions, feel free to contact us here.

How to carbonate your beverages

Step-by-step guide:
Getting started with bubliq drink carbonator

1. Choose a drink

Find a drink that you would like to carbonate and pour it in the bottle. For example, try water with fresh mint leaves and lime. TIP: Cold beverages at a temperature around 4-5° C will absorb the carbon dioxide best.

2. Carbonate your drink

The degree of carbonation greatly depends on personal taste. Hence, experimenting to find the right amount for you might be a good idea. However, for sparkling water we recommend pressing the carbonating key 3-4 times at 1-2 seconds intervals each time.

You know it is time to stop carbonating your drink, when you hear a whistling sound from the top of the bottle. This means the pressure relief valve is letting gas out, and the bottle has reached its max.

3. Open the bottle

After carbonation, remove the infuser cap from the bottle and enjoy your sparkling water.

When carbonating beverages like juice, lemonade, drinks or other beverages containing sugar, please follow this procedure: 

After carbonation, wait till the foam drops to the max level line. Slowly screw the infuser cap 15° counterclockwise to release pressure. When the foam reaches the gas relief mark, close the cap and wait for the foam to drop to the max. level line again. Repeat the procedure until it is safe to open the bottle. 


Below you find a list of frequently asked questions.

You can carbonate almost any drink.
However, there are a few exceptions:

  1. Juice containing fruit pulp, like orange juice with pulp.
  2. Liquids with high thickness such as undiluted cordial.

Liquids with high thickness can cause the pressure relief valve to clog, resulting in gas building up inside the bottle. This may cause the carbonator to malfunction, which will invalidate the warranty.

The degree of carbonation greatly depends on personal taste. Hence, experimenting to find the right amount for you might be a good idea. However, for sparkling water we recommend pressing the carbonating key 3-4 times at 1-2 seconds intervals each time.

You know it is time to stop carbonating your drink, when you hear a whistling sound from the top of the bottle. This means the pressure relief valve is letting gas out, and the bottle has reached its max.

No, it is not necessary to fill the bottle to the max level line. The infuser cap does not have to be covered by liquid either. To mix the gas and drink better we recommend flipping the bottle a few times after carbonation.

No. The bottle and infuser cap should be washed by hand at a temperature between +4°C to +40°C. Avoid pouring boiling water in the bottle or store it in the freezer for faster cooling. We recommend using warm water and mild detergent for cleaning the bottle and infuser cap.

Yes, the bottle has an expiry date of 3 years from the first day of use. The expiry date is not imprinted on the bottle, so make sure to keep an eye of the expiration date. We recommend writing the date of expiration in the manual. If the bottle is deformed, cracked, discolored, or hardened it should be replaced immediately.

This package includes a new 450 g CO2 cylinder from bubliq. bubliq drink carbonator is compatible with all standard 425-450g CO2-cylinders from e.g. AGA, Grohe and SodaStream (except SodaStream Quick Connect).  

Yes, you can purchase extra CO2 cylinders in our store. Choose from packs of 1, 3 or 6 cylinders. Click here to browse our packages of CO2 cylinders. 

Exchange Online
If you reside in Denmark or Sweden, you can use our online exchange service to exchange your CO2 cylinders. To use our online exchange service, you must have 3 or 6 empty CO2 cylinders ready for exchange.

In-store exchange
As bubliq CO2 cylinders are universal, you can also exchange your cartridges in-store. Whatever brand you're exchanging to, just make sure that the store accepts CO2 cylinders from all brands. 

Need the user manual for bubliq drink carbonator?